Friday, March 2, 2018

February 26-March 2


I simply cannot believe that we are already in MARCH! This year is going by so quickly-it will be spring before we know it.

This week we: 

*Focused on the letter Hh
*Practiced word families (while writing on the tables!)
*Started the writing process as we work on publishing our own book!! (More information below)
*Learned about Dr. Seuss and celebrated his birthday
*Worked on teen numbers and looking for patterns in numbers
*Started our Social Studies unit on US Symbols (we focused on Presidents, the Statue of Liberty, and the US flag)

Next week we will: 

*Focus on the letter Ll
*Read a story called "My Lucky Day" and work on cause and effect
*Introduce money and learn about coins and their values
*Learn more about Dr. Seuss and practice word families
*Continue with our SS unit about American symbols

News and Other Information: 

*A March reading log went home with your child last week. Please return February reading logs by MONDAY for a certificate to Pizza Hut.

*A field trip permission slip is in your child's folder today for our upcoming trip to the MN zoo. The cost for this field trip is $12 (cash preferred) which includes admission to the zoo, and iMax movie, and bussing. If you would like to join us on this trip, please let me know ASAP. There are a limited number of parent chaperone opportunities. Please keep in mind, all parents must drive to the zoo on their own and pay a fee. Thank you!

*We are running low on ZipLock bags- sandwich size. If you are willing to donate some to our classroom, we would greatly appreciate it!! Please feel free to just send some in. Thank you!!

*TOMORROW, SATURDAY is Pancake and Book fair day! Please join Mr. Radel in the cafeteria from 10:00-11:00 for some yummy pancakes and then head on up to the library to check out the book fair. We will also visit the book fair as a class on Tuesday.

*I am conducting a mini survey before conferences to see how families are accessing classroom information. If you are reading this post, please send a quick email or a note to school with BLOG in the subject line and let me know that you check our blog. If you are reading this and prefer to use SeeSaw, please let me know that as well. For participating, your child will earn a smelly sticker :) Thanks for helping us out!

**** We are publishing a class book!!! That's right, your child is busy working on the writing process from sloppy copy, to personal editing, sending to an editor (that's me!), final revisions, and then sending to a real-life book publisher! These books are hardcover, full color works of art and the students will be SO proud of their work. This book may be purchased for you to keep for only $19.95. BUT! If you order online, you save $3! It's a great deal. More information about ordering will be sent home next week-so keep an eye out! ****

Important Dates: 

*Book Fair- March 5-9
*Imagination Fair- Thursday, March 8
*NO SCHOOL- Thursday and Friday April 5 and 6 for conferences

Have a wonderful, warm weekend! Play outside lots =)

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Library Tomorrow

Hello Hello!

A quick update that we will have library TOMORROW, Friday, March 2. This is not our normal library day, but with the late start we missed ours this week. Please help your child to return his/her library book tomorrow for a new one. Thanks!

Friday, February 23, 2018

February 20-23

This week we: 

*Focused on the letters Kk and Oo
*Learned the words 'they' and 'you'
*Wrote 100 words!
*Wrote our numbers to 100!
*Celebrated the 100th Day of Kindergarten!!
*Learned about George Washington and why he was important
*Finished our number books
*Practiced counting to 50 by 5, and to 100 by 10

Next week we will: 

*Focus on the letter Hh
*Review the letter Oo
*Read a story called "Rooster Sees the World" and work on sequence
*Review the words 'they', 'you', and 'of'
*Learn the word 'three'
*Begin our Social Studies unit about United States symbols

News and Other Reminders: 

*Keep practicing Kindness at home and talk about easy ways to spread Random Acts of Kindness
*Please keep practicing shoe tying at home and getting dressed/undressed independently
*Keep reading!!

Important Dates: 

*LATE START- Thursday, March 1 (school will begin at 10:58)
*Book Fair- March 5-9
*Imagination Fair- Thursday, March 8
*NO SCHOOL- Thursday and Friday April 5 and 6 for conferences

Friday, February 16, 2018

February 12-16

This week we: 

*Focused on the letter Ff, reviewed Dd
*Read some great stories about Abraham Lincoln and why he was important
*Learned about Kindness and making good choices with Mrs. DenHartog and the Kindness Elves
*Celebrated Valentine's Day!
*Reviewed our sight words
*Worked in our NEW math journals!
*Practiced skip counting by 10 and introduced counting by 5
*Found patterns in the 100 grid

Next week we will: 

*Focus on the letters Kk and Oo
*Learn more about kindness during our Guidance lesson with Mrs. DenHartog
*Learn the words they, you, two
*Learn words in the -op word family
*Practice counting by 5
*Learn more about Presidents' Day
*learn about George Washington and why he was important
*Celebrate the 100th Day of School!

News and Other Reminders

*Please continue to practice tying shoes at home
*Please continue practicing getting winter gear on and off independently

*NO SCHOOL- Monday, Feb 19 for Teacher Workshops
*LATE START- Thursday, March 1 (school will begin at 10:58)
*Book Fair- March 5-9
*Imagination Fair- Thursday, March 8
*NO SCHOOL- Thursday and Friday April 5 and 6 for conferences

Monday, January 29, 2018

January 22-26

This week we: 

*focused on the letter Nn and Rr
*learned the words "me", "with", and "she"
*reviewed our other sight words
*practiced writing numbers without reversals
*almost completed our giant snowpeople!
*learned a new math game on the iPads
*had so much fun with our theme day all about the book "The Snowy Day"
     -We read the story, looked at a Let's Find Out magazine that went along with the book, wrote our own ideas about things we like to do in the snow, made an art project, and had our Hallway Hero Science Party by making Snow Dough! It was quite the morning!

Next week we will: 

*focus on the letter Dd and introduce Kk
*learn the words "see" and "look"
*find out all about Groundhog's Day and make our winter/spring predictions
*continue to work on patterns, sorting, number writing, and strategies for solving number problems

What to ask your Kinder: 

*Write your numbers to 20 (without reversals)
*What are some words that begin with Nn or Bb?
*Tell me about your 'theme' day!
*Read some sight words in stories at home.
*Count backwards from 20.

News and Other Reminders: 

*We will be going on a field trip to Stages theater on February 8th. Permission slips and field trip admission money is due on TUESDAY, January 30. There are scholarships available. Please let me know if you are interested. Unfortunately, we cannot take parent chaperones with us on this field trip due to space. However, please let me know if you are interested in upcoming trips.

*We LOVE volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom, we have plenty of opportunities. We have some one-time options all the way to every week. Let me know if you would like more information!

Important Dates: 

*NO SCHOOL- Monday, Jan 29 for Grading Day
*Culture Night- February 8 6-7:30
*NO SCHOOL- Monday, Feb 19 for Teacher Workshops
*LATE START- Thursday, March 1 (school will begin at 10:58)
*Book Fair- March 5-9
*Imagination Fair- Thursday, March 8
*NO SCHOOL- Thursday and Friday April 5 and 6 for conferences

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Some advice to help the Vikings get to the SuperBowl!

Yesterday, the Kindergarteners pooled their ideas and offered a few suggestions to help the Vikings win this weekend. Here is what they recommend....

Kindergarten Advice for the Vikings to go to the Superbowl!
*Get a touchdown before the game is over
*Get more points than the other team
*So they should just, when they start, get a lot of touchdowns at the beginning
*Just kick a field goal
*Just get a 100 million touchdowns (and 100 thousand million points)
*Go where the ball is going
*Try to not let the other team tackle the person with the ball
*Keep the ball and make sure the other team doesn’t get it
*If there is an open spot, run there and if someone is tackling you put your hand out and get a touchdown
*Okay, so when you guard someone, make a silly face and flap your hands so they laugh and drop the ball. And when they do, get it and run in a touchdown.

Go Vikings!

Friday, January 19, 2018

January 15-19

This week we: 

*reviewed lowercase b and d
*focused on the letters Bb and Nn
*Read a story called "The Mitten" and worked on retelling
*continued to work on our giant snowpeople
*focused on story problems and teen numbers

Next week we will: 

*focus on the letter Rr and review Nn
*read a story called "Little Quack" and discuss plot
*learn the words me, with, she
*practice writing numbers without reversals
*continue our calendar math work

What to ask your kinder: 

*Practice read to self at home- what should it look like?
*Practice counting numbers as high as possible
*Practice writing numbers without reversals

News and Other Reminders: 

*NO SCHOOL- Monday, Jan 29 for Grading Day
*Culture Night- February 8 6-7:30
*NO SCHOOL- Monday, Feb 19 for Teacher Workshops
*LATE START- Thursday, March 1 (school will begin at 10:58)
*Book Fair- March 5-9
*Imagination Fair- Thursday, March 8
*NO SCHOOL- Thursday and Friday April 5 and 6 for conferences